In case you missed it, both leftists and MAGA don’t much like Rebecca Cooke. That means in a Goldilocks’ world of politics, for the median voter, she’s just right.
Last night’s victory in her Democratic primary proved this, showing both far left and far right camps that Rebecca Cooke’s got that dog in her.1
We wrote up our official endorsement of Rebecca earlier this year. Below, we dive into the final weeks of her race, analyzing the campaign ads that won over voters and the broad coalition that ushered in her huge win in Wisconsin last night that will help her defeat MAGA extremist Derrick Van Orden in November.
By running a campaign that speaks to voters about what matters most to them, she garnered a coalition of big tent Democrats that will join moderate Republicans and swing voters to support her in November. Rebecca has earned the support of working people, community advocates, small business owners and opinion leaders in Wisconsin’s third congressional district.
Pat Raes, SEIU Wisconsin President: “Every member of SEIU Wisconsin knows the value of showing up. Everyday our members show up to their jobs and keep Wisconsin’s businesses, governments and healthcare facilities moving. Rebecca knows the power of showing up too, as she has always shown up for us on the picket line and in conversations with management. We could not be prouder to support Rebecca Cooke in this election. We know that she will stand by us in Washington as our next member of Congress.”
Eugenia Podestá, Wisconsin Economic Development Board Member: “Rebecca’s work on the Wisconsin Economic Development Board helped small businesses throughout Wisconsin succeed.”
Bill Kaplan, longtime Wisconsin State Journal columnist: “Cooke has waged a campaign based on firsthand knowledge of the 3rd CD, on the issues, with energy, passion and a work ethic unequaled. The Cooke campaign has all the building blocks for success: addition not subtraction wins a House race in a swing district, which means engaging all voters, no matter where they live or who they previously voted for. In a CD with sparse newspaper coverage, Cooke deftly uses social media to reach tens of thousands of Wisconsinites. Her videos are creative and hard-hitting. Moreover, Cooke has endorsements aplenty from labor unions, local small businesses, teachers, healthcare workers, local elected officials, national groups and members of Congress. Then there’s fundraising… national Republicans are already attacking Cooke and ignoring her primary opponents… Cooke is the clear frontrunner in the Democratic primary because she fights for regular folks, inspires voters and knows what it takes to win.”
Barbara Lawton, former WI Lt. Governor: “Rebecca Cooke has the right experience, perspective, and priorities to stand up for our values and deliver results.”
Erin Klaus, Eau Claire Small Business Owner: “I’ve known Rebecca for years, and she gets it. That’s why I’m voting for her. Rebecca is a working-class woman with local roots who has run her own small business and helped other businesses grow and succeed. She’ll have the right priorities in Congress and help our main streets flourish.”
Angie Whelan, Ellsworth Small Business Owner: “I’m proud to support Rebecca Cooke because she relates to the people in our state who work hard for peaceful, fulfilling lives. She has shown through her experience she will always put the needs of our communities first. Our current leaders are grossly out of touch and we need and deserve a voice in Congress that is both strong and kind, one who has a history of pulling together resources to get things done. Rebecca understands the challenges facing entrepreneurs, small business owners, and the working people who keep our quality of life strong and vibrant.”
Gabe Brummett, UPS Teamster, Eau Claire: “I have driven for UPS for 15 years as a proud member of the Teamsters Union. For several years, I was the driver for Red’s Mercantile. I helped Rebecca keep her business running through the pandemic by meeting her on the side of the road to exchange packages. We’ve talked a lot about workers rights and the dignity in blue collar work. I know she will work to get the PRO Act passed. Rebecca is authentic in her promises to support working families. As a working class candidate, she is one of us. She is the best of us. She’ll fight for a $15 federal minimum wage, expand healthcare access and take on big corporations price gouging consumers. It’s time we send one of our own to DC.”
Rebecca put out a powerful ad in July ago titled “Megan,” showing her in conversation with a woman who approached Rebecca at a campaign event and shared her story of not being able to obtain a medical abortion for a nonviable pregnancy in Wisconsin. In the ad, Megan notes:
I learned no matter what, my baby would not survive…This is our home. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. I did not have the choice to do what was right for me and my family in my home state, and that felt deeply wrong to me… I am a conservative. I live and work in a conservative community.”
Rebecca’s campaign, and particularly her “Megan” ad shows how Democrats can win the middle and welcome conservatives into the Democratic coalition. It highlights a conservative woman frustrated by the extremism of the GOP. While some pundits have pitted winning swing voters against mobilizing the base, Cooke’s campaign shows that we can welcome people into our coalition and excite the base.
You can view the ad here.
Rebecca’s campaign also put out an ad out titled “4-H,” referencing the agricultural and dairy science-centric organization for youth in rural and exurban areas across the country. In the ad, Rebecca notes:
We all know what the 4-H pledge is:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking
My heart to greater loyalty
My hands to larger service,
And my health to better living
For my club, my community, my country, and my world.
Big city folks might not get it, but Western Wisconsin does.
I’m Rebecca Cooke, and I grew up on a dairy farm that’s been here for generations,
I’m a proud 4-H alumni and I’m running for Congress.
Farms like my families have been under siege for decades,
Corporate dairy has driven so many of us out of business.
And what’s Washington done? Nothing
Politicians like Derrick Van Orden focus more on culture wars than the war to save our way of life.
You can view the ad here.
Former Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Pocan (WI-02) worked to undermine Rebecca in her race, which is exactly what the far left does: attack people who can win.
We must continue to come together and ensure the voters who determine elections are prioritized, led by campaigns who meet those voters where they are. Blue Dog co-chair Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez also won her primary this month and performed even better than expected. Her mentee and protege Rebecca Cooke has been getting attacked from both the left and the right, but it proves that both are winners and outperform the haters.
Now, it’s time for Rebecca to take on Derrick Van Orden. You can support Rebecca’s November upset by contributing to her campaign via our Win the Middle slate. Because her primary was so late in the year, she needs your support ASAP.
As a Blue Dog-endorsed candidate, I couldn’t resist.
Huge Win, particularly after more liberal outside groups started dumping money in the district to elevate her opponent. It just shows that good local candidates, who can speak at loval voters' levels about the issues and concerns they want to talk about can win.
Congrats Ms. Cooke, and take it to Van Orden in November!