That bill was horrid policy and the immigrant community dodged a bullet.
Now for some facts.
There's over 11 million ppl who are undocumented.(National Academy of Sciences)
Over 60 percent have been here over 15 years (CBP).
ie, They haven't left the country or seen their relatives for almost two decades.
Importantly,between 45-60 percent came in legally,vetted on visas,then proceeded to overstay.
They're not border jumpers that nobody knows nothing about.
They have a lower crime rate than native borns(TxDot)
Importantly,with the policy you're sucking enthusiastic dick about ....
Ever thought...if Murphy's policy bill passed, why would the GOP ever come to the table to advance any legalization for these long standing human beings who deserve it just as much as you deserve a life here because your mom's uterus spat you out geospatially, whereas they actually fuckin sacrificed to get here?
What would happen to them if this bill had passed ?
Fuckers like you don't care about immigrant communities
I can't remember the last time that a dead bill was *this* important.
Senator Murphy, I salute you.
Great piece, Liam.
And the Welcomefest event was top drawer.
I wish I could’ve been there!
Go fuck yourself,self absorbed white boy.
That bill was horrid policy and the immigrant community dodged a bullet.
Now for some facts.
There's over 11 million ppl who are undocumented.(National Academy of Sciences)
Over 60 percent have been here over 15 years (CBP).
ie, They haven't left the country or seen their relatives for almost two decades.
Importantly,between 45-60 percent came in legally,vetted on visas,then proceeded to overstay.
They're not border jumpers that nobody knows nothing about.
They have a lower crime rate than native borns(TxDot)
Importantly,with the policy you're sucking enthusiastic dick about ....
Ever thought...if Murphy's policy bill passed, why would the GOP ever come to the table to advance any legalization for these long standing human beings who deserve it just as much as you deserve a life here because your mom's uterus spat you out geospatially, whereas they actually fuckin sacrificed to get here?
What would happen to them if this bill had passed ?
Fuckers like you don't care about immigrant communities
Rectum sniffing ,self absorbed,white boy.
Go fuck yourself motherfucker.