Sorry, but if there are riots in Chicago it will be Bidens fault and a valid reason for not voting for him. He has indulged the progressive left instead of standing up to them his entire term. His Presidency stands by DEI and Trans ideology. He has coddled a Left that now supports terrorists and when the people marching for Gaza today become radicalized in the same way that Vietnam War protestors turned into Weatherman in the 60's it will get bloody. Biden is reaping what he has sown, and the result will be a mad clown in the White House and violence in the streets.

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We've already seen the bad effects of DEI, but Cardona at the Dept of Ed just put out his guidelines on Title IX which will go into effect Aug 1. Talk about taking rights away from 50% of the population to satisfy the needs of boy-men who wish to cosplay as women on college campuses and gain access to women's spaces. Biden is indeed going to lose ground on this and 4 more yrs with a deranged clown isn't going to be pretty or comfortable for any of us. I'm beginning to think RFK would be a better choice?....but we don't have a good/decent/moderate pool to choose from!

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And of course the lesson from 1968 is that it only helped elect Nixon.

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Yep - all these protestors are going to accomplish is to enable Trump to win again, which only worsen things for the Palestinians they claim to care about.

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Why in God’s name did the Democrats choose Chicago? Given how polarized America is, how close an election we can expect, and all the big marches and riots of the last decade, why didn’t they choose a city with less historical baggage when it comes to political conventions?

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Where would they go? NY, CA,MA? These groups are shutting down city streets all over the Nation. It wouldn't matter what city.....these anarchists just want to blow things up so that they can create their own utopia of America....democracy be damned!

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